Changes since 0.15.1962
- Break responder loop that crashes repository window on OS X 10.10
Changes since 0.15.1949
- Fix crash when trying to browse for a remote (#255, #370)
- Fix changes to newly added files never showing up in the commit view.
- Merge pull request #367 (Debilski): Stylistic typographic changes.
- Make commit searches that include a lot of results exponentially faster.
Changes since 0.15.1899
Changes since 0.15.1884
- Fix
: Graph corruption due to out-of-order commits.
- Merge pull request #320 (dgreensp): Fix #310 - diff highlighter breaks on some strings.
- Fix #311: Fix a crash on OS X Lion.
- Fix #315: Better font for ref labels and reduce 'bevel' appearance.
- Fix #315 (pipelineoptika): Fix ref label sub-pixel alignment on non-retina screens.
- Fix #329: Potential fix for sometimes-missing 'dots' in history view.
- Fix #312: Don't show remote symbolic references (i.e. origin/HEAD).
- Merge pull request #325 (muhqu) - Fixed some changes in word highlighting.
- Insert files dragged into the commit message as relative paths.
Changes since 0.15.1869
- Fix #315: Generally lighter theme for ref labels, much more saturated colours for history lanes.
- Fix #317: Context menu to delete remote refs was disabled.
- Fix #318: Context menus for remote-tracking branches broken (push/pull shortcuts).
- Merge pull request #325 (muhqu) - Fixed some changes in word highlighting.
Changes since 0.14.95
- As part of ongoing work for issue #2, repository loading now uses objective-git to read directly from disk instead of parsing command-line output.
This has resulted in substantial performance and reliability improvements for larger repositories, as well as a new, better sorting of the commit tree.
- Tweaked several icon graphics for better contrast, along with some style updates to the commit tree.
- Improved the "Find" and "Find next" keyboard shortcuts in the history view.
- Merge pull request #243 (muhqu) - Add changed-word highlighting to diffs.
- Merge pull request #281 (codiophile) - Add Xcode git path (/usr/bin/git) to the search paths.
- Fixed a crash when a pre-commit hook failed and the "Force Commit" button was pressed
Changes since 0.14.92
- Fix #207, #210 dyld: Library not loaded errors in GitX and command-line tools
- Fix #208 cannot form weak reference crash on OS X 10.7 Lion
Changes since 0.14.86
Changes since 0.14.85
Changes since 0.14.84
Changes since 0.14.83
- Merge pull request #156 (elia) - Add keyboard shortcuts for commit view actions (cmd-s stage, cmd-u unstage, cmd-opt-a toggle amend)
- Merge pull request #167 (sas71) - Tone down logging to console of no-op repository watcher events
Changes since 0.14.82
Changes since 0.14.81
- Updates to upstream components libgit2, Objective-Git and Sparkle.
- Fix a crash due to bad parsing of unicode commit messages.
- Reconstructed build and update deployment on a new server. Made several stages into re-usable scripts (in the GitX repo) for the community at large.
Changes since 0.14.80
- Fix for issue #140 - Command line gitx only working at the top-level working directory.
Changes since 0.14.70
- Distribute updates as .dmg bundles, significantly reducing download size
- Bypass CDN for update checks, reducing regional latency in finding new versions by up to 24 hours
- Fix for issue #137 - Pushing tags to remotes via context menu
Changes since 0.14.64
- More code signing changes
- Fix for issue #131 - Minor patch to upstream objective-git for submodule handling
Changes since 0.14.63
- Fix for issue #131 - Check for NULL repository before listing submodules
Changes since 0.14.62
- Fix another instance of opening the same repository multiple times
- Improve handling of bare repositories
- Sort file list in tree view like Finder does
Changes since 0.14.61
- Fix for issue #132 - Move to Trash action refreshes the list of files automatically
- Restore the preference checkbox to enable repository file watcher
- Fix for issue #127 - Syntax highlighting restored for Objective-C
Changes since 0.14.57
- Fix for issue #119 - sort tags and other refs numerically (like Finder would)
- Fix for issue #111 - add Move to Trash menu item for unversioned files under Mountain Lion
- Updates to upstream components libgit2, Objective-Git and Sparkle.
Changes since 0.14.56
- Simplify launch behaviour, window restoration, and pop-ups
- Fix issue with non-git directories being added to recents
Changes since 0.14.51
Changes since 0.14.50
Changes since 0.14.46
- Improvement for issue #80 - GitX hangs at startup if xcrun is not configured
Changes since 0.14.40
- Fix for issue #69 - disable automatic spelling correction in commit message, but enable spelling and grammar checking (underlines) and automatic link substitution
- Fix for issue #66 - try to locate git binary with xcrun
- Fix for issue #72 - add ability to open links in commit messages in default browser
Changes since 0.14.39
- Fix "Display Image" links in history view
Changes since 0.14.38
- Fix for issue #63 - commit message font and indenting was inconsistent with the rest of the commit details
Changes since 0.14.37
- Added a prototype fix for issue #9 - should significantly reduce bogus re-loading of the repo history
- Updated to upstream ObjectiveGit
- Updated to upstream libgit2
- Updated to upstream Sparkle
Changes since 0.14.34
Changes since 0.14.33
- Work on issue #9 - ignore changes to *.lock files when listening for repository changes
Changes since 0.14.30
- Fixed issue #53 - stop “Failed to lookup reference...” errors
Changes since 0.14.29
Changes since 0.14.27
Changes since 0.14.25
Changes since 0.14.23
- Update to upstream objective-git and libgit2, fixes errors due to user .gitconfig format parsing
Changes since 0.14.21
- Fix reported instances of error sheets not displaying for failed git operations
Changes since 0.14.20
- Fixed a crash when deleting a named reference (branch, tag) in an open repository from outside GitX (i.e. by command-line tools)
Changes since 0.14.19
- Fixed a crash in gitx command-line tool when run without a working directory
Changes since 0.14.16
GitX - development 0.14.16
Automated Deployment
This build is part of the automated deployment of GitX builds. Under this system, code and resource changes pushed to the GitHub repository are automatically built and pushed out for in-app updates.
Recent Changes
- Resolved many broken dialogs and screens, like Add Remote... or Push [branch] to...
- Finished automated deployment system, dramatically reducing the overhead between fixing a bug and getting a new build out to users
- Fixed some issues with the command-line gitx utility
- Added OS X Lion full-screen support to the main window